Thursday, September 3, 2009

I'm not getting married, but I'm having a big old-fashioned wedding anyway!

If you haven't yet heard the news, my girl and I are engaged and planning a wedding for September 3, 2010! One year from today. O...M...G... HOW will I get everything done in time?! ;)

When my sweetie and I decided to have a wedding (which is and should be an ENTIRELY separate matter from the state recognizing me as "married" -- more on this later!), like any sensible bridezilla I began RAVISHING bride magazines. I quickly noticed that ALL the couples featured in those magazines are male/female dyads.  This was even true for my hometown bridal mag, Seattle Bride

I've been a proud member of the hip & progressive Seattle-area for 35 years (most of my life), and I was happy but not surprised to see that Seattle Bride features both models and "real" (gorgeous) couples with diverse cultural, racial, and religious backgrounds. It's really only a matter of time before they expand their vision of what constitutes a gorgeous couple. To kick-start that process I decided to wage a sapphic love campaign for me and mine to be included in those glamorous glossy pages! 

Voila! Sapphic Bride was born! 

I hope you join me over the next 365 days!

In sapphic love


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  3. I am soooooo going to live vicariously through sapphic bride! And I'll be rooting for a 10-page fashion spread all the way!
